Benefits of a "streaming hub"?

Greetings. Pardon my ignorance but I am curious about a streaming hub or server for my digital files. As it stands I ripped all of my classical and jazz CDs onto high res files on my MacBook Pro. I play them via the USB cable hooked up to the Exogal Comet/Ion "power DAC" combo and am perfectly happy with the sound. I added Roon because it seems to be an improvement and the cataloguing and indexing they offer is excellent. What exactly will a streamer do for this setup? I am happy with everything now but have noticed that there seems to be a big market for streamer devices many of which are advertised as "optimized" for Roon. I still play a lot of my favorite CDs (I kept the really good audiophile import ones) as a convenience, and often listen to LPs on an old Thorens hooked up to a vintage system from 1985--thus my lack of knowledge about more recent digital advances. But to me digital sounds fantastic and is a huge convenience. Many thanks, rt

Showing 1 response by mlsstl

It all depends on what you mean by "streaming."  

Many think of it as a player that will connect to the internet and play songs from your Tidal, Qobuz or Spotify (etc.) account.  

Others think of it as a way to put the PC or device holding your local collection of music files in a room away from your stereo and "stream" the music over ethernet or wireless to a separate player attached to your system.  

Many setups will do both -- stream your local collection and also the internet music services. And, they will also often support multiple players so your collection on the PC can be played on multiple stereos in different rooms -- some can also sync the players.  These system are often controlled by apps that can be installed on your phone or tablet so you don't have to go over to the stereo to start the music or change songs. . 

If you read the forums, there are lots of different options for doing this and many price points from inexpensive to very expensive.  

Besides looking for a device that delivers the level of sound quality you want, the other big thing to look for is a user interface that you find easy-to-use and intuitive -- you want to be able to find and play your music without a fistfight.