Benchmark or Antelope?

Looking at these two (2) DACs and asking for some opinions from the student body. Will be used in a "Mac" environment. As an aside, I've heard really good things about Mytek, but it looks like "drivers" need to be fiddled with and that is a turn-off for me. I'm at the 1500 dollar (new)
price point and the referenced units come in around that figure.

Showing 1 response by roscoeiii

Sadly, can't help with a direct comparison, but loved the Silver Antelope when I heard it. I'd look into auditioning both, since you have narrowed it down this far. If no one locally has both, I imagine you could find online sellers with return policies that would enable that to work. Even if there is a restocking fee, it is worth it in my book to compare both in your own system. Looks like Sweetwater carries both.