Benchmark LA4 vs. Anthem STR Preamps

My nephew is contemplating an upgrade on his preamp (currently using a lower-end Parasound, not sure of the model).   He says he’s whittled it down to two — the Benchmark LA4, and the Anthem STR (preamp).
— Pro’s & Con’s of each ?
— Anyone own one or the other?
I’m not personally familiar with either, so any data or opinions welcome.   


Showing 1 response by jhajeski

After reading up a bit on both units, I see what you mean...totally different characteristics & features, for two different types of use.   When I see him next, I'll try to find out exactly how he came to choose these two; what was his decision-making process, etc.?  
Regardless, thanks for taking the time to reply, much appreciated.
-- Jim