Benchmark LA4 vs. Anthem STR Preamps

My nephew is contemplating an upgrade on his preamp (currently using a lower-end Parasound, not sure of the model).   He says he’s whittled it down to two — the Benchmark LA4, and the Anthem STR (preamp).
— Pro’s & Con’s of each ?
— Anyone own one or the other?
I’m not personally familiar with either, so any data or opinions welcome.   


Showing 1 response by audiotroy

Yz we have experience with roon and the str  they are two very different types of room correction the anthem is automated while roons ddp require you to understand a rta the roon dsp ismore like a room eq rhen the anthem which tries to flatten egregious problems 

Fot that reason we endorse either the anthem or legacy wavelet 

If someone is setting u a simpler system digital only no phono the wavelet offers an easy to use eq fub. Function that the anthem does not

Dave and troy 
Audio intellect nj
Anthem, legacy dealers