Benchmark DAC1USB vs PRE1 vs Transporter

as a 2 channels pre/pro in a 2nd system:

It will be used to drive a power amp (Ayre V3, I think the load is 10k) and will be connected via USB directly to a PC.

Pros? Cons?

- One big pro for transporter is the remote volume control
- One pro for PRE1 is the analog-in for SACD player
- DAC1USB is of course, the cheapest. (or use the $ for a good 2nd hand preamp?)

Benchmark PRE1 seems to have newer Op-amp compared to DAC1, is it true?


Showing 1 response by kschiu

I definitely prefer to have a preamp for sound quality, but this is the 2nd system in the family room and having one fewer box (and interconnect) is preferred due to real estate reasons.

Does anyone have the first hand experience with the latest Benchmark PRE1? (which is a DAC1USB with a analogy pre)

Another option is the BelCanto Dac3...