Benchmark DAC1USB vs PRE1 vs Transporter

as a 2 channels pre/pro in a 2nd system:

It will be used to drive a power amp (Ayre V3, I think the load is 10k) and will be connected via USB directly to a PC.

Pros? Cons?

- One big pro for transporter is the remote volume control
- One pro for PRE1 is the analog-in for SACD player
- DAC1USB is of course, the cheapest. (or use the $ for a good 2nd hand preamp?)

Benchmark PRE1 seems to have newer Op-amp compared to DAC1, is it true?


Showing 1 response by clbeanz

Since the Transporter has no usb in I'm guessing you mean ethernet in, or add an USB to SPDIF converter.

For the price of a Transporter you could get a Squeezebox Duet and Dac1 Pre combo.
That would give you cheap multiroom expansion capability and a handheld GUI rf remote. You would have both a digital remote volume and Dac1's analog volume. Set the Dac1 at close to the listening sweet spot and do minor digital volume adjustment remotely. When feeling purist do so manually.