Benchmark ABH2 amp and full range electrostatics, e.g. CLX or Soundlab

I have read the glowing reviews of the Benchmark ABH2 and have seen that Martin Logan has used these amps at Audio Shows with some of their hybrid speakers.  I would appreciate comments from audiophiles and/or reviewers who have significant experience with the pairing of the ABH2 amp with Martin Logan CLX's and/or Soundlab full range electrostatics.  Thanks in advance.
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Showing 4 responses by kstaken

Ahh, cables. Let me tell you a story about that...

Once upon a time ... I decided to jump into high end cables with a mix of Nordost Tyr 2 and Odin 1 believing their marketing of "delivering the depth, precision and nuance previously only found in live performances". While I had the Nordost cabling in my system every time I sat down to listen I fell asleep. It was like a drug, sit down, 5 minutes of music, zzzzz. It drove me absolutely insane and I changed everything numerous times, amps, preamps, dacs, turntables, racks, speakers but I never considered the cables because Nordost has such a reputation for being "transparent", "dynamic" and "revealing" and they were so stupidly expensive. Just in speakers alone I tried Martin Logan Electromotion ESL, Martin Logan Aerius ESL, B&W 804D3, Proac D30R, Magico S1, Devore O96, Devore Gibbon 3XL, Wilson Benesch Vertex, Martin Logan Impression ESL and others I'm forgetting. Tubes, solid state always the same result, zzzz. Finally I was sitting in utter frustration and wondering if I should just give up when it hit me that there was one thing I had never changed.

Went digging through my cable box and pulled out a cheap pair of Monster speaker cables and replaced just the Nordost speaker cables. The difference was unbelievable, the sound lost the "organic" feel that Nordost cabling imparts but it made me realize that "organic" sound was 100% a coloration and the price you pay for that is resolution and most significantly dynamics. To me the music lies in the dynamics, if you scrub away dynamics you scrub away the rhythm and the music dies. I realized in that moment that Nordost cabling makes the "sound" pretty but utterly ruins the music.

After this I went on a rampage and replaced every Nordost cable in my system. First I went anti-highend and used some lower end audiophile cables but as I learned the coloration they were imparting too, I went completely anti-audiophile and replaced all speaker cables and interconnects with Mogami pro audio wire and power cables with dirt cheap hospital grade cables that cost like $9 each. My system never sounded better, it was finally able to whisper and then roar and I stopped falling a sleep, and for a while I was 100% anti-audiophile cabling. This was the cabling I was using when I first received my CLX and I was actually perfectly happy with it.

Then on a fluke my local dealer got in a new line of cables from a company called Swisscables. Since I was still anti highend cables I reluctantly tried them and to my utter surprise they absolutely blew me away. More resolution, huge dynamic range and just a general feeling of being "right". None of the fuzzy fake organic quality of Nordost cabling just a feeling that the cable is simply allowing the signal through unmolested and allowing the source and recording to be revealed in their full glory. Needless to say I now use a full loom of Swisscables, Reference Plus for speaker and interconnects and Diamond for power. The only cable of theirs I've tried that I didn't care for was their digital coax which presented a bit of glare that I found problematic.

Sorry for the long winded response, guess I had some pent up desire to share this experience as I spent years being utterly dissatisfied with my system all because of a bad cable choice. 
I have mono ahb2s and CLX Art. The amps have had no issues with the speaker bridged and also feeding 2 x rel subs. Amps are as transparent and lacking in color as anything I’ve heard. Replaced a luxman M900u which was very warm in comparison.
I started with a single AHB2 and it had no issues. I only added a second one because a used one kinda fell in my lap and it did bring an additional level of effortlessness that was worthwhile. 

As far as I can tell the Benchmark will simply reproduce whatever it's given and has no definable sound that I can discern. Soundstage width and depth are fully determined by the upstream source and recording not by the amp/pre. Likewise the overall presentation of the sound is determined by the recording and varies drastically. If you're used to components that intentionally inject a signature on the sound this may be hard to appreciate but for me it makes every recording a unique experience and world of fascination. 

I've done a ton of work on upstream components including external clocking in the digital domain and it has revealed every change. I've tried dacs up to $40K and have a similar amount in analog front end (Technics SL1000R / DS Audio Master 1) and so far have not been able to perceive any kind of bottleneck from the Benchmark gear.

I do also use the HPA4 preamp as well and it has a similar level of transparency. The preamp replaced a Luxman C900U.

I believe Swisscables are pretty new to the US. Arizona Hifi in Phoenix is a dealer and there are probably others around that work with the same distributer (wish I could remember their name).

These are not inexpensive cables but also not stupid level, maybe about Nordost Frey 2 price level. 

For another take from another Arizona audiophile they're discussed a little in this review: Steve is always a little over the top in his reviews but in this instance I agree with him.

The Mogami speaker cables I was using before were a Coaxial design and worked well but the Swisscables are just amazing (assuming your goal in transparency that is).