If Belles will let you try an in home audition, I'd bet Klaus Bunge (Odyssey) would do the same. Then you'd get your answer, with a shootout in your own home. I ALMOST did this very thing with Odyssey Loreleis versus the Intuitive Design Summits, but ended up just getting the Summits without ever even hearing the Loreleis (I still have some guilt feelings because I really like Klaus and he's been very good to me), because I just wanted to make a decision and get it over with. Also, four speakers would have been quite a hassle to unpack and repack. (I love the Summits, by the way, and DID get a chance to hear them--twice--before buying.)
On the other hand, even though the amps would still be quite hefty, the four monoblocks would be much, much easier to hoist around, pack and repack, etc. Plus, you could do it yourself with nobody else around, assuming you could get both parties to ship demo units to you. It's just a thought, but such a test would likely answer your question, especially if you could manage to get older, nicely burned in units from both manufacturers (like units they've hauled around to shows that are already scratched up and already burned in).