Belles Power Modules 20A pre. Whos heard one?

I know from personal experience that the Belles 150A Hot-Rod is one of the best values in a solid-state amp available, he now has a tube hybrid preamp called the 20A which employs 4 / 12AU7s from EH as stock.

Two questions here:

1.) Has anybody heard the pre and if so, your audio-thoughts?

2.) What tube could replace the Electro-Harmonix 12AU7 that would really give the pre, or ANY pre, a real sonic advantage?

thanks, Audiojudge

Showing 1 response by audiojudge

Thanks for the insight. I always appreciate an answer more sincerely when the responder has actually has some "interaction " with the said product in query.

Can you tell mw what you might be putting it up against. Frome my personal experiences, I would put it up against some things at 40% - 70% the monies and still hold it's own.
