Belles 350A vs. Bryston 4B SST

Hi. I'm searching for a new amp and have narrowed my choices to the Belles 350A and the Bryston 4B SST. This amp would be driving a pair of Aerial 8Bs. I listen to a variety of music, from rock to folk and jazz. I have a lower-end NAD preamp which eventually will be replaced, so my main concern is the quality of the amps. (Any advice on a complementary preamp would be appreciated, too). Any thoughts?
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I have heard both extensively and favor the Belles. It is very dynamic with great imaging and liquidity. It is also very powerful delivering over 250w/ch into 8 ohms and much more as the impedance drops. It definitely would be a great match for the Aerial's. I thought the review in Soundstage by Doug Blackburn summed it up nicely.
Compared to the Bryston, it sounds smoother with more pristine highs. In comparison, the Bryston sounds a little rough around the edges.
Belles is also offering a newer 350a Reference amp.