Belles 20A Tweaks--Tubes

I cannot find very much about this Pre so I thought someone might chime in here. The pre uses 4 12AU7 tubes,I'm currently running Brimars,I might add that this unit has the Auricaps.I'm seeking information as to get the most out of this unit,as I plan to keep it.Any advice is appreciated--thanks in advance

Showing 2 responses by sedandelivery

Thank you kindly for your reply. I currently have some 1950's Raytheon Black Plates,,I'm gonna take your advice and try the BDR cones and Mullards.I appreciate the time you took to respond--thanks---George
Thanks for the reply and advice.Based upon your sugestions,I jusr rolled some JJ goldpin Ecc802's in and so far I am very pleased with the outcome. The pre seems more musical with a tremedous soundstage.Lively, but not bright,it is as if she "woke up".Souns very detailed but still just a tad laid back,which is exactly what I was looking for.Thanks for taking the time to respond.