Belles 150A Hot Rod with Audible Illusions preamp

Considering to add a solid state amp to my system. I was wondering if any Audiogon members have used an Audible Illusions preamp with the recently discontinued Belles 150A Hot Rod amp? I've only "read" that this is a nice combination. I've gone through older postings but could not find any comments. I'm using Vandersteen 2ce sig 2's with a updated Audible Illusions 3B preamp. I like tubes but always wanted to try a more powerful soild state amp.

Showing 1 response by lougiants

I am not sure what your budget is - but the upgrade path for Mccormack is a good option. However it can be pretty pricey - up to 3K or so depending on what level -
Silver = ~$800
Gold = ~$1400
Platinum = could be over an additional 2-3K depending on what you can get.

So to me if your deciding between the two, cost would play into it. I am not sure what the going rate is for the older DNA amps as opposed to the Belles 150A.
I don't think you could go wrong with either. But in this industry/hobby it is disconcerting to spend so much for a component only to find one that is 1/3 less cost that outperforms it or comes so close it is really not noticeable.
Will need to do your homework on a potential 5K plus mccormack/upgrade investment over a 350A belles reference purchases at around 2K.