Belles 150A Hot Rod with Audible Illusions preamp

Considering to add a solid state amp to my system. I was wondering if any Audiogon members have used an Audible Illusions preamp with the recently discontinued Belles 150A Hot Rod amp? I've only "read" that this is a nice combination. I've gone through older postings but could not find any comments. I'm using Vandersteen 2ce sig 2's with a updated Audible Illusions 3B preamp. I like tubes but always wanted to try a more powerful soild state amp.

Showing 2 responses by jebe1

I have an Audible Illusions L1 preamp and Vandersteen 2ce sig 2's and drove them with a McCormack DNA-0.5 for years. The Audible Illusions/McCormack combination works great.

BTW, what tubes do you have in your M3B?
I'm currently running a McCormack DNA-1 revA. Kris Jeter at SMC Audio recently updated it and the latest mods really improved the amp. I've never heard any of the Belles amps but have heard really good things about the 350A reference.