Belles 150A Hot Rod with Audible Illusions preamp

Considering to add a solid state amp to my system. I was wondering if any Audiogon members have used an Audible Illusions preamp with the recently discontinued Belles 150A Hot Rod amp? I've only "read" that this is a nice combination. I've gone through older postings but could not find any comments. I'm using Vandersteen 2ce sig 2's with a updated Audible Illusions 3B preamp. I like tubes but always wanted to try a more powerful soild state amp.

Showing 3 responses by exocet954


The M3B comes with the 6H23eb tubes. They are not cheap and a very good match for long life. I've only read great things about the now discontinued DNA-0.5 and that Richard Vandersteen used McCormack in his system set-ups years ago...Also nice to read that McCormack does mods to his older amps as the DNA-0.5. What amp are you currenty using now?? The DNA-0.5 has been on my list as well. Just wanted to hear more from the Belles owners as read this match is good. I see more older McCormack amps for sale on Audiogone vrs Belles.
Best Regards...
Thank you all for responding to this post. Have yet to hear from any Belles owners?
Amplifier up-date. Picked up a 2007 Belles 150A Hot Rod in perfect condition. The matching with the Audible 3B preamp is awesome with the Vandersteen speakers. Very happy.