Beleaguered Mac MS 300 or 750 users (MY 300 FINALLY CROAKED)

If anyone out there ever used these overpriced and poorly supported machines but loved the concept there is a new solution out there. Well it really is not new but it is to me and it seems it is not getting much press in the USA. I am talking about the Nova Fidelity x series. I just purchased the X40 and it is less than half of what a MS 300 cost back in the day and for ripping and storing cds it is really a dream. It does a whole host of other things but the cd fuction was all I was interested in. You can install your own size HD and once you get past the convoluted manual this works flawlessly and sounds great. It has its own DAC but I use it with my Cary DAC and it really does do the trick,highly recommended to anyone looking to store all their cds in a single place and who is a computer novice like me. The unit goes under the name Cocktail Audio in the Usa. Almost forgot the metadata for getting album art tracks etc works like a dream