Belated Farewell

I just found out that singer/songwriter Mickey Newbury died at age 62. Probably best known for his songwriting but he had a wonderful voice and an extensive catalog of excellent recordings. I have been a fan since the first recordings and one or more of his recordings are always included in my listening sessions. I have always found it interesting that even though I never met him, I feel like I know him through his words and music. I feel like I lost a long time friend. If you haven't heard him,his catalog is available at My condolence to his family and friends. Thank you for the words and music Mickey, I will miss you.
It's interesting how people we don't know can touch us by opening up and sharing who they are. I wasn't aware of the site you mention. Thanks.
Warren Zevon is dying of terminal cancer, another talented and often overlooked musician. Fortunately he's working on one last album to be released late spring/early summer of 2003.