Bel Canto REF1000M vs. Simaudio Moon 400M

During the past year Simaudio has come out with a class A/AB mono amplifier, the Moon 400M, which appears to have the virtues of class D amps. It puts out 400 watts rms into 8ohms and peaks at 56 amperes, runs cool to slighty warm and weighs 25 lbs. Cost is $ 6500.00 a pair. Very few reviews, and the Soundstage review is outstanding. The Bel Canto REF1000M puts out 500 watts rms into 8ohms and peaks at 45 amperes. Cost is $ 6000.00 a pair. The Moon 400M has a larger power supply. Has anyone listen to both of these models and how do they compare to each other? I suspect the Sim Moon is better but I haven't listened to the 400M. Has Bel Canto finally met its match?

Showing 4 responses by zugisland

Just heard them with the 350p simaudio preamp coupled with a high end MSB dac driving a new pair of MARTEN DJANGOS >.wow was i trading in everything i have for this setup minus the dac which is 16k ..will substitute either the new esoteric coming do7x or sim 380d....
the 400m made these speakers just sing..
Audiozen , thanks for the feedback on the PBD mpd3 i went and got a piece to audition home and was blown away , certainly the best digital i ever heard ...although my limited dac vocab has consited of Bel Canto Wyred for sound hegel and the 300d from Sim ...oh and the the high end MSb and wiess which i htink the PBD beat hadnitl thanks V
Audiozen thanks for the feedback, will be grabbing a pd mpd3 dac for audition today, dont need thr transport as I am now streaming so
Will report bavk, the 5 btw is out of my range but may stretch for the 3 if its killer