Bel Canto, Nuforce, Acoustic Reality, Channel Is.

I have a pair of Silverline Sonata that I want to use with one of these amps. I currently have the Bel Canto M300 amps running from a Wadia 830. I was wondering if anyone had experience comparing these 4 amps to each other.
The Nuforce would be the 9.02
The Channel Island would be the 200
The Acoustic Reality would be the 1001
These are all comparably priced, although have varying power specs.
I am looking for warm, bassy, smooth highs and mids. I have a fairly live room, although with 8th Nerve treatments.
Thanks J

Showing 1 response by drewfidelity

I had a similar reaction to James when I compared the NuForce Reference9.02, CI 200, and the Mark Levinson 431 amplifiers with my Audio Physic Scorpios. Both the CI and the NuForce were a better match with the speakers than the Levinson which retailed for more than twice the retail price of either the NuForce or CI amplifiers. The Levinson was slow and dark compared to either of them.

I chose the NuForce because to me they were more dynamic and bottom heavy. I found the treble in both to be essentially the same, though others who have posted here feel that the NuForce amplifiers are brighter. That was not my experience when I auditioned them. Without question, they are both real world giant killers in my opinion.

Good Luck.