Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?

This is a relatively new amp series by Bel Canto. Any comments about this ICE technology? Are we done with the large power supplies and heavy back breaking amps?

"The thing is, I consider Henry's pricing a steal. I wasn't concerned about ditching $16,000 monos for Henry's $5,500 monos. However, I would think twice before I pay over $2,000 for a module in a box.

Really, I thought you went from "$16,000 monos" to an Amp made in Denmark by Peter the Great of eAR fame.

Or is that just another way you bend your reality?
OK, well back to to title of the thread, if that's OK with everyone? For what it's worth, I have owned a Bel C. Evo 200.2, Spectron Musician II, and had a two week audition with the S250 H2O amp (non-sig. version) and to MY ears, in MY system, the NuForce 9.02 beats them all, in every way that is important to truthful and emotionally involving music reproduction.

Larrytwo - you would do well to audition the NuForce and probably the Channel Island D200's, as both are more affordable than most if not all of the above aforementioned amps, and have a 30 day trail period.
By the way, I think that the CIA D200 and the NuForce share the same UcD amplifier module, but the CIA unit has a conventional power supply whereas the NuForce has a switcher. I have no idea whether this makes a difference.
I do note that the manufacturer, ( offers fully assembled power supplies for their modules, and these are of the conventional type.
Kjgp, is this an audio forum, or a congressional hearing? I mentioned above I've had several ICE amps in my system. I didn't feel it was necessary to write my life history. Yes, one was the little Peter amp. It was a 500A analog supply amp too. It also sounded much better in my system than the solid state. The H2O Sig kills it, though.