
Responses from kjgp

Naim amplification with quad ESL
I used to be a Naim owner in the 1970’s & 80’s, (22 – 120, 12 – 160, 32.5 – Hi-Cap – 250) I know that Naim said not to use with Electrostatic Speakers. I tried one of the small Naim Pre / Power combinations on a pair of Electrostatics in the 1... 
Belcanto Power Amplifiers
I am considering purchasing either the Ref 1000's or the M300's (room will be 23'-0" X 16'-0" X 9'-3"). My concern is that I have been told that the new style amps have the edge on 'hi-fi type sound', but they do not give the level of musical invo... 
How good are "Oppo" players?
Try this link for Merlin Audio in ACThttp://www.merlinaudiodesign.com.au/ 
JADIS JA80 with 6550 or KT 88 or KT90 ?
Bump this one back to the top, looking for an answer to valve inter changeability. 
JADIS JA80 with 6550 or KT 88 or KT90 ?
I have nearly new pair of JA30’s with KT90's factory fitted. Are any changes or re-calibrations required when changing between KT90’s, KT88’s or 6550’s. Or is it a straight swap? 
Bel Canto eOne amps - Is this the future?
Muralman1,"The thing is, I consider Henry's pricing a steal. I wasn't concerned about ditching $16,000 monos for Henry's $5,500 monos. However, I would think twice before I pay over $2,000 for a module in a box.Really, I thought you went from "$16... 
Sonus Faber V's Sonus Faber
Come on guys lighten up, the main question was for your opinions of Gaurneri and Cremona driven with 30 watt vale amplifiers, in a small room.There was no way that I would be willing to (or afford to) purchase Amati or anything similar.The dealer ... 
List speakers thast can be put cloeto rear wall
Most of the Linn Products and Naim Audio speakers, especially the earlier models. 
Sonus Faber V's Sonus Faber
Thanks for all of your input and responses.After listening to both the Guarneri and Cremona, I have chosen the Cremona.Reasons were many, but mainly as follows; I can now understand the comments by 213cobra on the other thread “crossovers just don... 
Sonus Faber V's Sonus Faber
Answers to questions raised;BranimirYes it is the same small room, 15' 6" X 11" 6" with the new model Jadis Mono Blocks (30 watts using KT 90’s)ChriskeatingPrice is at the top end of your range, however the Guarneri’s are still new (ex shop demo m... 
Planar speaker that don't require herculean amp?
Again from the Apogee website, Graz (Master of all things Ribbon) has a new launch ready.His new full range ribbon can be driven by low power valve!http://audioworld.com/sw/Forum1/HTML/004835.html 
Speakers for a small room
The Jadis Amps are the latest version of the JA30 using KT 90's to give a full 30 watts. 
Speakers for a small room
I have sold Apogee Mini Grands.