Bel Canto DAC vs. Perpetual Tech P3A?

I've had a couple of Bel Canto owners tell me they've switched the Perpetual Technologies P3A, or P1A&3A combo. Is it better? Is the 3A better than the B.C. on its own, or only as a combo with the 1A? Looking for advice.

Showing 2 responses by tubegroover

Well I feel very comfortable comparing these two units. I have given my comments on the PT unit on other threads and there is no point in belaboring my impressions. The Bel Canto is MUCH more like music than the P-3a although the P-3a is on the right track so far as resolution and dynamics. Tonally it is all wrong and really doesn't compare. DO NOT take my word for it, listen for yourself, it is a no brainer. The Bel Canto is MUSICAL. I got listener fatigue in short order with the PT unit and sent it back. PT DOES give a 30 day no questions asked in home trial period so there really is no reason not to listen for yourself. The Bel Canto isn't as successful as it is for no reason. It is a great product at a real world price. Good luck.
Srama I have no doubt on the chip being the problem. It is the only plausible explanation for what I heard. What is strange is that I E-mailed Perpetutual Technology’s Mark Schiftner explaining the problem thinking there was something wrong with the unit. He E-mailed me a response back a week later. By that time I had sent the unit back to the dealer. He had no explanation on what I was hearing and stated that it was an isolated case and couldn’t imagine what the problem might be. When I purchased the unit from the dealer I was told me the sound was metallic out of the box and would take 100+ hours of break in. After the first week I suspected what I was hearing was more than a break in issue. When PT didn’t respond immediately I didn’t know what to think so I sent the unit back. I had a hard time believing that a product could sound the way that unit sounded without something being wrong but my concerns were never fully explained. My dealer thought the unit was better than the Bel Canto so now with your explanation of the bad chip I suspect there was something wrong with the unit.