Bel Canto DAC-1

Has anyone out there in music lover land heard the new Bel Canto upsampling DAC-1? If so, what did you think of the quality/character of music played through it? An all-in-one jitter reduction, digital upsampling, and DA conversion "black box" is an enticing prospect. Thanks.
Innhitman have you had this problem with the Bel Canto. I am referring to the loud pop when skipping from track to track at higher volumes.
Garfish, I have a Muse model 8 transport and the Bel Canto. The people from Muse said this problem can't be alleviated because of it's make. The Muse 296 won't cause this problem according Muse. It's probably best to contact Ken at Muse to give you the best info. he knows the Bel canto Dac. Good Luck!
Thanks Snook2. Do you happen to know whether or not that loud popping sound is a characteristic of the DAC-1, or was somthing wrong with the one you had? Did you talk to Bel Canto about it? BTW, I have a Muse Model 2 that can be up-graded to the 296 (I think). I really appreciate the warning re: the Bel Canto DAC-1. It sounds like they have some "bugs" to work out of an otherwise excellent sounding DAC.
I got the Bel Canto Dac and was floored at how great it sounded. It blew my Linn Karik and Numerik away. A major problem with this DAC is when I skip songs at a higher volume I get a loud pop before each song. This has shut my amps down several times and could cause speaker damage. I am sending this unit back and am probably going to get the the Muse 296 which has the internal muting to alleviate this problem. Has anyone else had this problem?
Hi Innhitman, I did an audiogon search and turned up a bunch of info. on the Ortho Spectrum AR2000 provided by Delve Audio, NJ-- is that where you got yours? There was sort of a "white paper" presented there, and it was long but to tell the truth, it didn't say much, ie it's a black box of sorts that costs $1500.. Very little about the actual technology or principles used though. Do you know where it's imported from? It sounds like you're pretty impressed with it.
Thanks for the responses. Innhitman-- what, pray tell, is an Ortho Spectrum AR2000 Analogue Reconstructor? Where is it available, and what does it cost? This sounds intriguing, and I REALLY appreciate your assessment of the DAC-1. Also, what is a TT? (turntable I bet-- it just clicked into place)? Do you mind telling me what other components/speakers and wires you have in your system, ie I'm curious about how high on the high end hog you are feeding? Thanks.
I have been using the Bel Canto DAC 1 for two months now. I have not regretted it for one minute. I recently attached an Ortho Spectrum AR2000 Analogue Reconstructor between the Bel Canto and the preamp.... The result... the sweet, coherent sound that the engineers intended... no digital harshness.... an awesome combo.... the thoughts have my purchasing a TT have disappeared.
I think it may be the best value DAC out there (for CD, or DVD audio discs), but I've not heard the Perpetual Technologies one. The analog section is very likely to be superior with the Bel Canto. My advice is to audition the Bel Canto, Perpetual, and MSB 3 with upsampling option, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Then, decide which one you like best, in your system. Then you can tell all of us which one wins.