Behringer DEQ2496 Operational Questions

For you Behringer DEQ2496 experts:

As far as the AUTO EQ function:

1) The manual explains what the ROOM CORR function does, but it doesn't explain why; any idea why this function should be used?

2) When you activate AEQ, the unit allows you to set a 'desired frequency response curve'. I don't see any way of saving target curves, so why apply it before the AEQ runs? Wouldn't be just as easy to make adjustments to the curve after the AEQ runs?

3) Continuing with #2 above, wouldn't be more convenient to store target curves in parametric EQ memories? So once the AEQ process is finished, you would just need to activate a stored PEQ target curve that would be active along with the GEQ that the AEQ created. Is there any downside of doing this? Would having both GEQ and PEQ active at the same time degrade the audio signal?

3) The manual mentions that using AEQ for frequencies below 100Hz can produce inaccuracies during frequency response calculation. This seems strange to me as correcting for bass room modes is certainly very important! I realize that it is not often a good idea to boost frequencies in this range (could overload amp and/or speakers), but I would certainly want the unit to cut any frequencies due to room modes. Anyone have any experience with trying to allow the unit to correct frequencies below 100Hz?

4) There are MAX DELTA and MAX SPAN function within AEQ. Is there any reason why maximum values should be specified?

5) Can the AEQ function work on left and right channels independently?

6) Has anyone compared the results of the AEQ function to another RTA system? I'm curious to how accurate the RTA and AEQ functions (and the Behringer microphone). I do find I'm getting different results if I aim the microphone straight between the speakers versus a little upward or downward.

Thanks much in advance for your help!

- Stew
3B)....I auto eq all frequencies down to 20 Hz, and it seems to work fine (on two different systems). However it is true that this is a range where you may want to deviate from the flat response which the auto eq process produces. I do this by minor modification of the GEQ curve that auto eq produced.
Thanks Eldartford. By the way, I misnumbered the questions above (there are two 3's) so if you get chance to look at the 2nd #3...

Also, I'm curious if you or anyone has tried using TrueRTA software and how it compares accuracy wise to the Behringer RTA.
1)... Most people like the sound with a gradual HF roll off. The ROOM CORR function makes it easy to do this. It's an option. Use or don't use as you like.

2)... It's a lot easier to define your target curve relative to flat than as a modification to a curve that is up and down. Of course you can modify and save (overwrite)the GEQ curve which the auto eq has come up with up with. Again, your choice.

3)... If you can define your target curve in terms of parameters you can certainly put it in as a PEQ and activate it along with the GEQ from auto eq. GEQ and PEQ are just different ways of programming the DSP function, and should have no adverse effect on sonic quality. You might like to have different PEQs for different kinds of music, which you could select on the PEQ menu.

4)... These limit the amount (dB) of equalization: the change from one 1/3 octave band to the next, and the maximum boost or cut, relative to zero.

5)... Yes.

6)... I have compared with the Radio Shack meter. I believe the DEQ2496 is more accurate, as its specs, and the microphone specs, would suggest. You will get different results if you move the mic around the room. Some people suggest that you should average the results, but others think you should go with your listening position.

Have fun.