Beginners Pre-amp

I'm in midst of changing things in my system and the next thing I want to try is a tubed pre-amp. I do plan to change my speakers to Paradigm S4 and would like to know which pre-amps would work. As for music it varies from Jazz(mostly) to live theater,dance,pop, etc...

My budget is at most 2500.00 new or used. I figured at that price point I can come away with something that I can live with for awhile and totally outclass the Pre-amp section of my receiver.

At that price point new I can come away with a BC21.1 as it allows me the options of the Shallco and a processor loop.

My questions are: What do the members here think of the BC?Will it work in my system. Is it a quite unit and and does it respond well to both tube rolling and PC upgrades.

Finally are there any others I should consider besides the VTL2.5/5.5. I know there's more but I drawing a blank.


Showing 1 response by dogpile

I would highly recommend a CAT SL-1 MK 3 tube pre-amp. Price for a used piece will be around $2300 for line-stage only. It features out-board power supply, stepped attenuators, balance control and has a high resale value. Phono units are available but will be a little more.

The sound of this piece leans more on the bright/forward side but that will vary from tube choice. There is no hookup for home theatre/bypass and is strictly for 2-channel setups.