Beginner's Technics SL-1200 questions

I've decided to take my Thorens TD-160 offline for a bit while I work on the common mods that are well documented online. In the meantime, I ordered a Technics SL-1200. This is one of the STOKYO refurbished-in-Japan decks- hopefully I'll report on the quality of that when I get it.

1. The turntable is shipping without any sort of mat. Searching on line, I see a lot of references to layering of mats, and different thickness. Rubber and other materials. What do I need to get to have the 'standard configuration'? The items available at KAB seemed to need to be mated with an "Isoplatman"?

2. I ordered the standard headshell and an AT440MLa cartridge. In addition to the overhang tool, what other tools will I need to set this cart up correctly?

Thanks for following along with these very basic questions.

Showing 2 responses by violin

Adnan, I also have a Stoyko Technics SL 1200 mk 5. I put a Herbies matt on it and it sounds great. I set up the cartridge using the alignment tool that came with it and as far as I can tell by listening , it sounds wonderful. But, to be sure about it I have ordered a Mint LP alignment tool for the Tehnics arm.
Not having anything to compare with, it seems to me that Stoyko did a good job of refurbishing my table that I got from them. It was well packaged and there was no visible damage and it plays beautifully.. The only thing that I am probably going to do is send it to Kevin at KAB and have the arm rewired with Cardas Litz wire. I have a Mint LP cartridge alignment tool being made for the arm to be sure that the cartridge is aligned properly.