Beginner's Technics SL-1200 questions

I've decided to take my Thorens TD-160 offline for a bit while I work on the common mods that are well documented online. In the meantime, I ordered a Technics SL-1200. This is one of the STOKYO refurbished-in-Japan decks- hopefully I'll report on the quality of that when I get it.

1. The turntable is shipping without any sort of mat. Searching on line, I see a lot of references to layering of mats, and different thickness. Rubber and other materials. What do I need to get to have the 'standard configuration'? The items available at KAB seemed to need to be mated with an "Isoplatman"?

2. I ordered the standard headshell and an AT440MLa cartridge. In addition to the overhang tool, what other tools will I need to set this cart up correctly?

Thanks for following along with these very basic questions.

Showing 1 response by lowrider57

Regarding isolation, I have access to various sheets of thick rubber and foam (neoprene, EPDM, silicone, etc) and may try that out. Is the goal of isolation under the feet only for foot steps and effects of bass?

IMO, with these materials, you will add bounce to the entire rig. I have tried many materials under my Linn TT and have found you need properly designed tweaks to prevent "footfall" and isolation from sound waves. Yes, the Linn is a suspension TT, but isolation applies to all TTs.
The Vibrapod system is a good cost effective way to isolate the TT or any component. Also, a major factor in isolation of a TT is preventing vibration thru the floor; eg, a floating floor, and the type of stand you are using. Sometimes you need to move the TT to a different place on the floor or wall mount it.

Enjoy that Technics.