Beginner's Technics SL-1200 questions

I've decided to take my Thorens TD-160 offline for a bit while I work on the common mods that are well documented online. In the meantime, I ordered a Technics SL-1200. This is one of the STOKYO refurbished-in-Japan decks- hopefully I'll report on the quality of that when I get it.

1. The turntable is shipping without any sort of mat. Searching on line, I see a lot of references to layering of mats, and different thickness. Rubber and other materials. What do I need to get to have the 'standard configuration'? The items available at KAB seemed to need to be mated with an "Isoplatman"?

2. I ordered the standard headshell and an AT440MLa cartridge. In addition to the overhang tool, what other tools will I need to set this cart up correctly?

Thanks for following along with these very basic questions.

Showing 2 responses by chakster

Check for Boston Audio Mat (second edition) as the best cost effective solution for technics. To set-up cartridge you might use technics 52mm white plastic template or simply buy Hi-Fi Analog Test LP (great tool) with free protractor (looks like slipmat). Another option is to download and print the protractor from vinyl engine site, but can be tricky with printing errors.
I can only add some info to Johnnyb53 post that another great solution is Isonoe feets ( That is what i use for my two technics 1210 (in the second system). Fluid damper from Kevin (KAB is also great. Kevin is a great guy, so you can ask him. Check for AudioTechnica Technihard headshells (they are great and fully adjustable for overhand and azymuch). Orsonic headshell is another good option. You have to rewire internal tonearm cable and external rca cable with cardas or better one to improve the sound. Later you may replace the tonearm to SME or Jelco or Audiomods depends what cartridges you want to use.