Beginner money for separate Amp/Preamp for Hm Th

I know I’m opening a can of worms.  I’m not getting used-even though I know there are great deals here. I have a Denon AVR 4806 ~12yrs old.  I want to move into separates. 
Here’s the hard & fast... Under $5k.

1) I need a preamp for the normal HT & my tt. Friends say keep the Denon for switching & radio. How?? 2) I have a Jolida JD9 MK II phono preamp (keeping). I love it.
3) I like the sound ability to really punch.  Friends keep saying SS for mid/twetters & tube for low end.
4) I know there are bazillions of main to boutique brands. Can you keep recommendations to something I have a good chance of auditioning in Chicago please?

My speakers are a couple steps up from entry JM Labs.  Don’t tailor anything to that.  Replacing in a couple yrs.  I’ll appreciate the real advice & the trolls are the price of admission.  Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by tochsii

I’ve been reading a bit more & a hybrid amp seems to be a great solution.  My Denon’s volume goes into periods were it get louder & almost no volume & very tin sounding.  So, I don’t have the luxury of waiting.  The sound characteristics I like... this is where I say “I like a black background, a sound floor that falls away & a soundstage with exceptional separation.” One of the dumber things I read all over the site bc everybody loves muddied sound that flows together in a congealed mass with blissful background white noisey hiss. lol

I listen mostly to Rock & Blues. I could say I find many systems deficient in midrange & I love the smash of a cymbal full bodied & crisp but, that seems more relevant to speakers.  Does this help?
Soix thank you.  That’s great advice.  I appreciate the comparison to the Denon too.  It gives a great base to compare.  People like you help people like me learn.  Thank you.