Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.

Hello all, I am looking for some input on the best way to add tubes to my current mess. I currently have what I am sure everyone here would consider barely a step up from my parents zenith HI-FI circa 1977. please keep in mind I am lucky if I can afford to look in the window of an actual audio store. 
I currently have a Peachtree nova 300 and a Marantz CD player and a pair of monitor audio silver 500 speakers. A friend gave me a blue sound node 2i also. I have always wanted a tube powered amp. I see these Chinese amps like the Muzishare X7 and Willsenton R8 that have lots of great reviews. Or maybe a tube DAC. Then I see the Black Ice for ss-x. Each having less tubes respectively. Not sure how much that matters but I would think the more tubes the more tube sound one could expect. I would like to be in the $1000. range but would go to $1500 if I had to. My goal is to find the best most cost effective way to enter the tube world.  

Showing 22 responses by johnfritter

Obviously if you are considering upgrades you like it. I’d like to hear your 3-1/2 year in opinion!
I will be looking to him in the future when I am ready for an amplifier for sure! 
@willgolf Raven could be an end point I like everything I have seen on them. Believe me I do understand I have a low budget for an integrated or even amplifier for that matter. I could use the nova as a pre so I don't have to have an integrated. I just want to add some tube sound to what I have now in some manner. 

@russ69 That is what I am trying to decide. I have strange ways of doing things. I am giving myself a max of $1k which could be pushed to $1500. to find a hopefully decent component. That will give me a good "taste" if you will of tube sound. If I decide to go with tubes I am fine with the investment.

@chicagoblue1977 I will check into Quicksilver. Thank you.

This will not be my final system. Everything will be up graded and the current and trial equipment will go in the shop in the end. I don't own any vinyl and at this point/age it doesn't make sense to start. So I may just be wasting my time and money as maybe adding tubes may be of no benefit at all. 

@fuzztone Exactly! I mean my intention isn't to just throw my money away but if I can make a minimal investment to get my toes wet, great. I don't mean I have throw away cash. I have been seeing a few Chinese amp options that look like a guy could unload at minimal loss if needed.   Yet might afford him a good taste of what tubes could add.
Also as I stated I would be open to the applications of tubes as DACs or tube buffers that fall within my budget as well. Just looking for options hopefully from experience. 
I have come to realize this is a high end often hi dollar site. I have found the best information here vs others. Yes I may be out of my league here but I feel the abuse I will get will be worth the info gained! I apologize if  anyone feels I am wasting time and space here.
@lowrider57 Thank you as I obviously missed these while surfing the classifieds. I messaged the member that has them listed waiting for response. Is there anything I should be aware of with these amps, questions I need to make sure and ask? Any certain vintage of these stand out over the others or "quirks" specific to this model?
Again Thank you.
@rickallen81 that's my plan I am just trying to figure out the best way to get the best taste. So far I have gotten some good ideas of things to look into. I have never owned any type of tube component so its all new. I don't know anyone who dose so this is why I am where I am at this point.
@hilde45 I was considering the Orchid or possibly the Black Ice Glass FX. The used Quicksilvers are local pick up only so a no go. I just wasn't sure how much of the tube effect would come thru with just a tube or two. Nice thing there is I can get those with a trial period as well as most new stuff. Used doesn't have that option!
@noromance  Thank you for the link, not sure how I looked over them. I have sent message waiting for reply.
@invalid Now were talking! Thank you for the link! I will check into these this is the direction I really wanted to go. Or think I want to go!
Thanks again!
@oldhvymec A tube buffer is what I originally wanted to try. I just haven't had much luck finding options. Black ice foz ss-x was all I could find which sounded like a good option but I don't really need the bass control, not a deal breaker though. Maybe I need to try different terminology. If I search "tube buffer" all I get are cheap e-bay or Amazon pc boards with a knob and tube. Not overly confident in what I've seen. I will look into the Decware option and see if that leads me to more options. Thank you!

@millercarbon  You could not be more correct I do understand. But having acquired the components I have at the price I paid $.25 on the $1.00 (divorce sale). I didn't worry too much about everything being the perfect match or specs. In the end I was able to help a friend out and I ended up with fairly decent sound as a result. This is also why my budget is what it is. I really didn't want to spend more than I currently have invested just to satisfy my curiosity. Certainly a compromise or a few, but I was ok with that in this situation.
@lowrider57 As miller carbon stated its all compromise! I just need to decide on what compromise I want to take. Right now my simple mind tells me with what have and am hearing here. I can buy different speakers and a tube amp. Or I can buy a much more expensive and powerful amp. Or I could add a good quality tube buffer to what I have which has no trouble driving the speakers. 
I know there's a lot more I have no clue about but is there a negative to adding a tube buffer? Would I be affecting the performance of my amp by adding a buffer in anyway? I would not think so but I don't know what I don't know. I like to learn I just usually do it the hard way, it's my way!
@artemus_5  I actually really like the idea of the st120 kit. I enjoy stuff like that. I used to rebuild carburetors years ago as a side gig. I might actually buy one just to build for fun. I have it in the cart, just got home from work and the scotch is tasting good....!

@millercarbon Im guessing you have about a decade on me. I worked on the farm though. Started at 10 saved all my money but I was into hunting. So I bought my first Remington 870 Wingmaster 12ga. I was in 4th grade. In my head I THINK I would like to end up with a Raven Osprey and a pair of ZU Omens. But for now I would like to play with what I have acquired for pennies on the dollar. I know its far from perfect but it actually sounds pretty damn good. I also know it could probably be worlds better. So why not play a little? As long as I pay attention I think I can recovery pretty easily in the end as I said I am in this literally 20-25 cents on the dollar. I got everything for less than the price of one speaker new. I would love to hear your system honestly. Yours and @oldhvymec's are two that I would like to experience.  

I appreciate everyones input. Thank you.
@scchengmus That was an option I was considering also. everything I read and watch is very positive. It seems as thought a lot of the internals are the same brands and models of reputable high end brands. What is your experience with it.
The preamp is an option I had not considered but I can run the Peachtree in power amp mode as well as preamp. Maybe I would be better served looking into tube preamps. This just seems to make more sense the more I think about it. 
@rocray I spotted that Aric Unlimited last night and am interested. But am curious if having the variable output will it mate with the Peachtree. I assume that is the reason for the variable output, compatible with more equipment correct? My goal today is to try and verify what Peach tree recommends. Then look into the variable output option as I have no previous experience. If it will mate up I think that might be the best way to go at this point. 
@hilde45 Uh yeah Probably my ADD but I've read that e mail you posted at least a dozen times. I get nothing lol. I liken it to talking to my wife she puts way to much filler in-between the facts. I loose track of what she's trying to tell me. I have always said I have a simple brain. Show me an equation start to finish I can usually deal with that just fine. Don't get me wrong I really do appreciate you posting it and I think if I could reduce it to a couple sentences it might make sense. 
At least now you know for sure what kind of dummy you are dealing with!
I am trying to verify that the Aric Unlimited will be compatible for sure, I would think with the variable output I will be fine. When I do and if it is compatible and still available I will move forward with that option.
Well I missed the Aric Unlimited 2 listed here. So I will keep looking I might just end up contacting Aric about a new one. The little interaction I had with him was first rate. He is off for some vacation time but I think I will be giving him my money when he returns. 
Thanks to everyone for the input. Everything was valuable to some degree and I very much appreciate that!
@lowrider57  Thank you. I did see those and realized they have no remote volume control. I will change volume on different tracks quite often. I am to lazy after work to get off my arse to do it! All said I am happy to spend a little more to support the man. As well as the comfort of some warranty coverage and return period if I don't like it. I feel those extras are worth his asking price for the current model which includes remote!
Been away from technology for a few days, getting caught up.
Thanks to everyone for all the input its all been valuable.
My conclusion seems to be that I would probably be best served buying a good preamp. That will eliminate any concerns of having the power to drive my inefficient speakers. The Aric Unlimited ii that was listed when I started this discussion got my interest up. I really like what he offers and I really like the thought of helping the small guy. As to some of the other options listed in the classifieds. A lot of them have the tubes inside the chassis. Well I have to admit I am "that guy" I want to see those beautiful glowing tubes. It HAS to make it sound better!! If anyone has other suggestions of products like the Unlimited ii or even his next step up the Transcend 6sn7 line stage don't be shy. 

I also really like those VTA "ST" kits. I am going to have to get one (probably the st120) of those for a winter project this fall!

Thanks again to everyone for the input!

I apologize. Yes an update is due.
On May 26th I believe. I contacted Aric at Aric Audio with questions about the used Unlimited listed here. After talking with him I decided that would be a great place to start. The unit sold by the time I got back to the seller. A week or so goes by and I get an email from Aric. He had taken one of his unlimited II's in on trade and made me an offer. This started a long chain of emails as I had lots of questions. He was right there with answers to every one of them, silly or not! I cant say enough about His customer service, absolutely outstanding. There was no doubt in my mind I am buying from this guy. I just had to decide what it was going to be. By the time I was all done I had settled on his Transcend 6SN7 Line Stage. Per my request  and his guidance (he never once pushed an upgrade or tried to upsell me) we chose to upgrade output caps to Miflex copper foil paper in oil. A resistor based output gain to replace the potentiometer. as well as a much much larger transformer and steel cover.
After two weeks and a week and a half of Fedex blunders July 9th it finally showed up! Its loaded with a NOS RCA 5U4G rectifier, a pair of NOS RCA OD3 regulator's and a pair of NOS Sylvania VT231's.
What adding this unit did was just short of amazing. It actually gave definition to a lot of the terms I see used so often that I thought  understood. I now hear so much more of what I was hearing that if I take it out everything sounds "flat" for the best way to put it. Everything sounds so rich and full yet very separated as far as instruments and vocals. I can actually hear (or think I do) the drumsticks strike the skins and the tick of them contacting the cymbal's. I swear you can tell how thick of a pick is being used on a guitar. I know it may sound a little overboard but it honestly is that good to me. There is no getting tired of it either. I've listened to it for a minimum of 3-4 hours a night (weeknights) and much longer on the weekends since I set it up July 9th. 
Well I had better get back to work for the day so I can get home and enjoy.

Thanks to everyone for all the input.