Beginner audiophile pre-amp/receiver recommendations

Hello all trying to piece together a system that will cover dedicated listening as well as a 2nd zone for in ceiling during parties. 

I'm looking for something to replace my AV receiver with a stereo receiver that will do the following, I'd like to keep things in as few components as possible to not upset the W.A.F..
2 Zone output (xlr)
Phono stage
DAC (for an eventual Bluesound node to replace the chromecast)
FM tuner

Would like to be under 1500.  I'm not opposed to a pre-owned unit. can be an integrated as long as I can also drive the external amp w/XLR:

Currently have:
Krell KAV 2500 power amp
Anthem AVM 20
Chromecast HIFI
Thorens TD120
Hales Concept 2 loudspeakers
Inceliing speakers (4)

Showing 1 response by jimmywho

Sounds like you just need a separate mid-fi system for anything related to ceiling speakers or background music.  Toss a wifi receiver in the closet to run the ceiling speakers and stream whatever you want to it.  Then you don't have to worry about multiple zones coming out of your hifi setup.