Beethoven Symphonies - best perf + sonics on CD

My CD's of Beethoven's symphonies were all issued in the late 80's or early 90's and sound flat and two-dimensional, with a back-of-the-house perspective. Vinyl is more dynamic but I can't tolerate the surface noise during the quiet passages. So, fellow A'gon members, I'm looking for your suggestions for the best sounding (good tone, big dynamics, front row perspective) and most thrilling performances of Beethoven symphonies on redbook CD. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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Showing 1 response by pgawan2b

I had the 4th, 5th and 6th symphonies of Tchaikovsky on CD by DG. One of the pieces (I confess that I can't remember which one now) sounded like the trumpets were recorded in a studio and poorly mixed in. It just sounded unnatural and improperly balanced. Despite Ted Libbey recommending this CD, I was more than happy to give it away and find something else.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like a DG CD.