Beethoven Symphonies - best perf + sonics on CD

My CD's of Beethoven's symphonies were all issued in the late 80's or early 90's and sound flat and two-dimensional, with a back-of-the-house perspective. Vinyl is more dynamic but I can't tolerate the surface noise during the quiet passages. So, fellow A'gon members, I'm looking for your suggestions for the best sounding (good tone, big dynamics, front row perspective) and most thrilling performances of Beethoven symphonies on redbook CD. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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Showing 29 responses by lloydelee21

Sorry cannot say...except that Pletnev on Scarlatti piano works is exceptional ihmo.
Thanks Oldears...will get around to listening to them at some point. I have full sets from Furtwangler (tried to get each individual of the most recommended from his various symphonies...mainly during WWII but also from Vienna in early '50s), von Karajan '63 (Remastered), and Harnancourt.
Thanks Goofyfoot! i think its Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique and John Eliot Gardiner...on DG. Archiv.
I have the '63 von Karajan 9 Symphonies Remastered which is much better in sound quality than the earlier '63 set. I also have the entire Furtwanger Berlin set, plus a few choice individual ones from '53 (Vienna)...each carefully remsastered by specialist archival guys in France, Tahra, as well as Orfeo, Audite. They are great interpretations for me...but the sound quality is still lacking compared to great recordings/masterings. I also have the Harnoncourt set...the 9th is something else...very rich and romantic if you want a sweeping 9th...quite a lot of fun. my two cents. a lots happened on this thread in the last couple of days! sorry - i do not know much about the Japanese and 192khz question you asked. apologies.

However, if you do find out...please let us know! Very interested.

And yes, generally with the other person who posted about the Furtwanger Tahra SACD...probably better than earlier remasterings...but 'it is what it is'.
Wow! That was quick! I really look forward to your thoughts on it! I nearly bought it myself, but in truth would love to hear your impressions first. I already have 3 full cycles...only wish to get Gardiner if really good and also really different.
Hey Lowrider,

look forward to your impressions of the Karajan '63 original CD vs the Remaster. I felt the Remasters were definitely, not the best remaster/CD i have by some margin. Its not a MA Recordings or even an FIM remaster of an older recording...but it is markedly superior to the original CD which felt 'stereotypically' thin in comparison. one man's experience.
Congrats, Merlinus! I was pretty impressed by the 'regular remastered hybrid SACD set' of his 9 symphonies from the '63 era. Enjoy! I admit i listen to von Karajan the most for all but the 9th where i enjoy Harnancourts' version quite a lot.
Goofyfoot. Thank you! Yes, i own that set among other individual CDs...there were still a few CDs i went after individually from specialst remastering companies (Tahra from France) who had done some of his top rated symphonies.

Enjoy them all. What do you think of the Jarvi cycle in comparison with Furtwangler or von Karajan? I would not mind finding a more intimate, exquisite smaller ensemble Beethoven symphony (just for something different). Neville Marinner?
Thanks!! Maybe when i get around to it...i will give Jarvi a try. Is there a particular Jarvi recording/mastering you recommend? (the equivalent of the '63 von Karan)?
Hey GFoot,

What is your view on Penguin Guide to Classical? I have enjoyed going thru mine and have bought many based on their recommendation...over time, i have expanded by buying additional ones not included there, and in a few cases disagreed. But generally been happy with their recommendations. Your thoughts welcome!
Thanks, Goofyfoot! Good to know...seems like Penguin stays here and i will keep an eye out for Schwann!
I have heard good things about the Paavo Jarvi Beethoven good is the recording/mastering? Sounds promising...
Hi Merlinus,

thanks for that. I see where you are coming from on Beethoven and grand sweeping scale. I have to admit...i like the smaller scale Missa Solemnis from Sir John Eliot Gardiner. Extremely well put together...but much smaller scale.

What or who is HIP?
Thanks Goofyfoot...understood. i am not so sophisticated that i would necessarily dissect every Beethoven interpretation...but i do notice the differences in scale. And having both Furtwangler and von Karajan...i thought a smaller ensemble would be cool. In particular, Gardiner was supposedly done with smaller orchestra and quite good. Have you heard it?

Thanks for your post...interesting to read. I like the Gardiner Missa Solemnis...smaller ensemble (so smaller sound) but articulate reading imho and well recorded.
Thanks, Goofyfoot! Sounds promising from the snips i just heard. I have read some say they prefer the scale and magnificence of Klemperer...I respected, but preferred the slightly more contemplative, smaller, nuanced Gardiner.
Wow that was quick...may i interpret this is as an initial indication that this is NOT a must-have set? The opening criticisms did not seem minor (from an audiophile or pure music fan's standpoint)...obviously, you'll want to hear more of the set...nevertheless, not a particularly encouraging start.
Fair interpretation? Thanks for taking the time!!!!!
Thanks Goofyfoot and Learsfool,

I am getting tempted now! I do like his Missa Solemnis.
Thank you! I have read somewhere a strong preference for
Gardiner over the Academy of Ancient Music Beethoven Symphonies. Same forMackerras whose historical Mozart symphonies are apparently great.
Thanks for all the feedback...great reading. I may try these Gardiner symphonies now. I do enjoy the Karajans...i will give another listen soon.
Thanks, Goofyfoot. Much appreciated your continued participation here...much to read and enjoy. I will certainly post when it arrives from Amazon. I always buy second hand. Hope to have it next week.

I think you are right. I really like Pletnev, Horowitz and the latest find is the conductor Tugan Sokhiev with the Toulouse National Orchestra. He studied in Eastern Europe...I have gotten nearly everything he has done with that orchestra...his Pictures at an Exhibition is extraordinary in my opinion, mny favorite interpretation, and i have several at home and i consider Pictures one of my fav orchestral pieces of all time.
After some deliberation and listening to snips, i decided to go for something different. I have Karajan '63 remastered, Furtwangler's war-time remastered versions from Tahra and Audite, and also Harnoncourt.

So went with Hogwood and the AAM. Deliberate, studious and period...looking forward to it.
Wow! Thanks, Lowrider57! Now, i am even more excited! And yes, that was exactly my initial impression...very different than the cycles i already have. I did not want to get a complete cycle...only to think its a whole nother cycle but not bringing me a new interpretation of Beethoven. I enjoy playing truly different interpretations of certain music. I have several Goldberg variations for example.
Well, the Hogwood AAM Beethoven cycle arrived today...early! 1st, 3rd and 5th are really great. listening to 5th now...i really like this set so far. Very well paced, both contemplative, taking its time and yet filled with energy...all of which is very nicely recorded. he keeps the tension nicely taut thru the 5th so far. not bombastic but with a dynamism that is fun to enjoy. And again, nice recording.

Good to know...i also like the Missa Solemnis by Gardiner. Have not heard the post if you hear it.