Been "Gone" 10 Years...What Have I Missed?

About 10 years ago I was immersed in this hobby.

Then, I decided to take-up guitar and have been on that whirlwind ever since.

I did downgrade my gear when I knew the guitar thing was not a fad.

Dateline 2016: I find myself with gear I enjoy, but I would be willing to upgrade if something was out there that would dramatically improve what I've got:

Prima Luna Prologue 2
Lector CDP-7T
Von Schweikert VR-1 and VRS subwoofer

What's driving this? Over the past year, virtually every title I would want remastered has finally been done. I just received all the Styx titles from Japan and the new Crowded House remasters will be coming tomorrow. For me, those were the final two puzzle pieces. The guitar gear is set, it's time to listen again.

The Lector is the only untouchable. Budget would be $2500 per piece (integrated/speakers). Room is long ('17x'14w). I have to stay pretty close to my back wall (18" max). Musical preferences are Classic Rock, some acoustic rock, some 80's hair (usually saved for the car). Patricia Barber and Eva Cassidy were part of my "initiation" to the hobby. Great artists but this time it's about the best match for the music I actually listen to.

After some R&D, I'm considering Vandersteen 1cis.That's the only thing that hit my radar this week.

Any other suggestions?
The Gold Lion KT88 will transform the sound of the PL.  The GL are well balanced throughout the frequency range, are extended on top and bottom, and have nice smooth midrange that is more laid back than in your face.  The military Mullards are certainly full bodied but they do not lack resolution and transparency IMO.  The PL has a more modern hifi sound to it and I think these tubes will put some meat on its bones.

+1 on the R2R ladder DACs.  Love my Lampi Big 6.  Digital music listening at my place had not been the same since it's arrival. I have enjoyed listening to 1411 bitrate WAV files more often and leaving the vinyl on the shelf. 

Thanks to everyone for the help!

I did order the Vandersteen 1ci's today. My plan is to stay-home and set-them-up Wednesday. The size, look, and (assumed) value were the drivers. I'm not certain about investing in NOS tubes for the PL because it does not have a remote control. But...I do know those tubes would make a difference. I still have the stock tubes, Audience power cables and inter-connects, and  I have no idea why I did not insist on a remote when I got the Prologue!

If I'm pleased with the tone, the PL will probably stay.  I read some nice things about the Rega Brio, but as-soon as you dig further you hit a vein of dissatisfaction with hum.

I thought maybe for less-than-budget I could get something that blew me away. The speaker eval will be interesting...

I want to see your collection- ahendler.
I own 3000 cd/sacd discs myself and not slowing down anytime soon!

Happy Listening!
You have missed major improvements in digital sound. A good transport and a newer dac will be much better than anything from 10 years ago. The re-emergence of multi-bit (ladder) dacs is a major change in digital reproduction.. The advent of streaming is also a big change. I have 5000 cds but 95% of  my listening is done from streaming Tidal and Classicsonlinehd
If I owned a Lector, I probably wouldn't part with it either.  I need a front-loader, so- I own a BAT VK-D5 and found that upgraded tubes in the analog section made a major contribution to it's performance.  The six NOS, early 60's Siemens CCa grey shields I settled on were costly, but- worth every penny.  You're blessed in only having a pair ECC81/12AT7's(much less expensive to experiment with).   You may be interested in what this reviewer noticed, with regards to a power cord upgrade: ( )
Look at a new company called Linear Tube Audio. It is now possible to buy an amp designed by David Berning at a reasonable price. If you can get away with low wattage tube gear you won't be sorry. To be honest this stuff won't win a beauty contest but killer sound.

Hello cbucki, what tubes do you have in the PL?  I would try some Gold Lion reissue KT88, Mullard CV4004 and CV4003.  Great upgrade to stock tubes and easily worth the money spent IMO.
One thing you may have missed in 10 years is advancement in cable technology.  You did indicate what cables you are using...  Lately, I am really enjoying what Purist Audio Design cabling has done for my setup.  I have been on the cable merry go round for awhile now and these really impress me with bold lifelike sound, incredibly quiet background, and extreme dynamic capability.  Others may say that money would be better spent on new speakers or a new amp.  I'm thinking you could hold what you got, add the better tubes, a good power cable in the PL integrated, some PAD interconnect and speaker cables.  You may not want for new equipment after that.  At least you will have a better base system for deciding what modern speakers you eventually buy.  Lastly, I am certain you will hear of some more options/ideas from other members from here.  My two cents man, good luck!