Bedroom system for my 10 year old son

We're re-doing our 10 yr old son's bedroom. He's really into music, listens either to his iPod or the family computer in the den. My wife says we should add a stereo for him. I've got a pair of NHT Super Zero's sitting unused that I can throw in there. What I need is either an integrated amp or receiver. I prefer something in the sub $200 range, preferably with a headphone jack. Because he doesn't have much shelf space, the smaller the footprint the better.

Any recommendation for something that would work with the NHT's? Would I be better off spending a couple hundreds of bucks on a shelf system?

Thanks in advance.
If he is really into music get him lessons. That would be the best thing you could ever do.
the older (90s era) integra integrateds or a garden variety rotel would be a good match for the nhts and make for a nice system for your son
NHTs are great but need some current. Older NAD or Rotel integrated will push them.
Hmmm... system for a 10 yr. old.

I've got a ten year old system in my bed room.

Sony 444 es 5.1 receiver... should go for around your price point... will sure drive those NHTs... and more.

Get an X box, or PS as a source.. so he can play whatever disc, whenever.

Actually my Sony is 9, later this year, and has been used with great frequency during that time in many ways... Right now I use my Oppo 980 as one source, a laptop as another and then the cable box.

The sub is over ten years old... Velodyne, 10 inch 100wpc, w/passive 12 radiator... probably you could do way better there than mine... around $150 or so.

But definitely a sub has a lot of grin content.

Good luck