Because your car should sound good too

Nice FYI piece here. Maybe one of you might just attempt this. And if you didn't know, now you do.

First is a Tube Pre-Amp. Yes, for cars. It's called - Critical Mass Tube Pre-Amp (P2-GTX)
Seems to be a pretty good piece.

Next is their high-end four channel amp. It's called -
Critical Mass JL UL-A4x350 (Class A Amplifier)

That last one retails at $11k. So, neeedless to say I won't be auditioning it anytime soon. Anyone else care to do the dirty work and tell me what I'm missing?

Showing 1 response by goroi

THere are other options if you know what to choose from. Special mention are Genesis amplifiers, Arc Audio, Soundstream reference.
The harder part is the limited choices for upstream playback components, the common Alpine could be bettered by Denon , though it is so rare.
I never use car audio cables. The really standout ones that I used in car audio applications is transparent cable. Not all home audio cables make it though as the upper models with the supposed more body tends to exagerate much on the midrange warmth to the extent of having a nasal quality, probably the interaction of the speakers to close to a boundary or panel. I have used harmonic tech prosilway to no success as well as the notable van den hul's D102. Both of which are the warm side of things.
And don't believe in the shielding issue. As I have used DNM successfuly, and no noise . I have documented and kept pics to interested car audio afficionados.

BTW, long before JL came into the scene in the subwoofer part in home audio, it was no surprise they would eventually upset the likes of velodyne, rel . Remarkable sounding JL that very few can keep up.