Beatles vs. Stones

Which do you prefer?

I'd have to go with the Rolling Stones although I do love Revolver.

And you?


Showing 4 responses by phil59

It is quite clear from many of the responses (certainly not all) that this is an audiophile blog as opposed to a blog for music lovers.

Yes, I think each group recognized the different talents of the other one. The Beatles wrote great songs. The Stones were more focused on the music, the sound, the beat. The Stones had the advantage of longevity. The Beatles were basically done by 1969. That's when the Stones' best music was just starting.

If you prefer pop, you choose the Beatles. If rock and roll is your thing, it's the Stones.


The first Beatles US single, She Loves You, was released in August or September 1963, followed by I Want to Hold Your Hand. The first album release indeed was January 1964. And the first public appearance was on the Ed Sullivan Show, 2/9/1964.


I agree Aftermath may be an artistic breakthrough because they wrote all the songs. But I see it as just a transition to much better songs ahead. The earlier albums had many great performances that were cover songs, with some originals too.