Beatles vs. Stones

Which do you prefer?

I'd have to go with the Rolling Stones although I do love Revolver.

And you?


Showing 2 responses by arizonabob

 OOPS! Sorry bigtwin, the first comment I was referring to was from onhwy61, not yours. Guess I'd better check on what I'm smokin'!

hmmmmm...let's see, how do you like your cheeseburger? onions? pickles? tomatos? Better yet, Cheeseburgers or chop suey? Tacos or hot dogs? Why do these ramblings continue on and elicit so many responses? The Beatles were beat/rock, Stones initially blues/rock. Apples and oranges. Both unbelievably good. By the way Phil59, the Beatles first U.S. single was "Please Please Me" b/w "Ask Me Why", July '63 on VJ records #498. STOP! Let's get back to JBL vs. KLH.

P.S. bigtwin what are you smokin'? I'd love to try it. Hope your first post in this misguided adventure was sarsacm. Again, if not, what are you smokin'??  AB