BAT vs Pass Labs Amp

I have been around audio long enough to know better than to ask "what is a better amp;" however I would like some opinions on wattage. I am hoping to buy a new amp in the next few months and am hooked on tube gear. I'm interested in BAT's VK75 amp or Pass x250 amp. I am using monitor speakers and expect to go back to floor standing speakers when space allows which brings me to my question. Is BAT's 75 watts enough to push any speaker out there or could that be an issue when I change speakers? I've always wanted to own a BAT amp and a Pass amp so I could go either way but don't want to limit my speaker choice when that time comes. This will be the amp that I keep forever (yeah right!!).

Thanks for the help.


Showing 1 response by akaddict

I just got the vk-75se (which is supposed to have better bass than vk-75) and I have no experience with the Pass, so maybe this comment isn't relevant.

Two major points about the 75se: astonishingly powerful bass (I unhooked the subwoofer and won't put it back) and how loud it plays (100+ dB with the VK-5i knob at 55, and Piega P-10s hooked to the 4/6 ohm tap).

FYI, another current thread in the amp/pream section compares BAT ss and tubes.

Good luck.