If you use the 8 ohm taps with 14 ohm loudspeakers your going to make it that much easier for the amplifier to drive the speakers.
If effect what you are doing is increasing the impedance of the output transformer. This creates a better match between the high impedance stage of the output tube and your output transformer. Thus you should notice better dynamics and less strain.
This is because of the relationship between resistance,current, and voltage.
One of the biggest marketing gimics I hear is that you can't drive speaker "X"with tubes because they require high current. Tubes are voltages devices and therefore will not be able to provide enough power. If you look at the relationship between voltage and current you find one cannot exist without the other.
With the speakers you are considering you could connect a 2A3 amplifier to the 8ohm taps and have more than enough power.
Hope this helps
If effect what you are doing is increasing the impedance of the output transformer. This creates a better match between the high impedance stage of the output tube and your output transformer. Thus you should notice better dynamics and less strain.
This is because of the relationship between resistance,current, and voltage.
One of the biggest marketing gimics I hear is that you can't drive speaker "X"with tubes because they require high current. Tubes are voltages devices and therefore will not be able to provide enough power. If you look at the relationship between voltage and current you find one cannot exist without the other.
With the speakers you are considering you could connect a 2A3 amplifier to the 8ohm taps and have more than enough power.
Hope this helps