BAT stand by mode question

I have a BAT VK300xSE power amp and VKD5SE cd player, both with tube sections. The units are able to be put into "stand by" mode or fully powered down between usage.

Should the power amp be left in stand by mode or fully powered down between uses? I use it almost every day.

I only use the cd player every few weeks and do power it down between uses, as opposed to leaving it in stand by mode.

I am unclear if stand by is intended for periods of a few hours or a few days.
I keep my BAT pre-amp in standby mode. If you are using everyday I would suggest this is the way to go. My understanding is that most tube wear is from starting up from completion shut downs. Plus system warmup is quicker from standby mode. Your electric bill will go up.
Thanks. Any thoughts on the cd player I use every few weeks? It seems strange to leave it on stand by for that long but it is fine with me if that is the way to go.
If you only use the cd player every few weeks turn it completely off between uses.