BAT Rex and Lamm 1.2 with WP8 synergy

Has anyone experienced using BAT rex with lamm 1.2 connected to Wilson WP8. Concerned about input inpedence mismatch between BAT rex 100Kohm and LAmm 1.2 listed as 41Kohm.
I will be adding this to my system soon
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Why not just ask Victor Khomenko of BAT(he's the VK in their product names), he posts regularly on Audio Asylum in the Tubes and Amp/Preampss forums. He'll give a straight answer on this. Here is latest post two days ago
hooked up bat rex to lamm 1.2 absolutely perfect combo as far as audioquality and musicality is concerned. rex is one of the quietist preamp I have ever had.
thanks for all the responses
I am also using a BAT Rex, but with solid state amplifiers. People say you cannot get tube-like sound with solid state amps, but I beg to differ. Perhaps it is because of the overbuilt power supply on the Rex. The Rex adds the texture, depth, and note decay without overdoing it. The build quality is also a benchmark for tube equipment. I have not added aftermarket powercords yet, but I bet there will be much more clarity, transparency, and bass impact.
Avsource1, congrats! If you like what you hear now wait 2-3 months. Someday you will be sitting and listening thinking to yourself, "wow, my system sounds absolutely awesome."

I am using the REX with a Spectron MKII amp and totally satisfied but always looking for small improvements. I have ordered some Elrod Gold Statement power cords for my REX and BAT CD player. I will be posting my impressions in the future.