try 2 Plinius SA250 MKIV, one amp is powerfull enough to drive a nautilus 802 beautifully, probably 2 amps will help you out. I use a plinius SA100 on my nautilus 803 and it sounds warm yet detailed, not as detailed as krell FPB series but certainly warmer.
CALLING ALL BALANCED AUDIO OWNERS! How many of you wish BAT made more powerful solid state amps. I have their vk-1000 monoblocs and i love them. But i feel need for 500-600 plus watts a side minimum into 8 ohms for my nautilus 801's. Dont get me wrong, the amps are no wimps. But i'd like to try a bigger amp. But where do you find a big amp that is warm detailed (not overly so), crystal clear, and authoritative at the same time? Maybe i'll add 2 more monos and forget about it. What do you think?