Thank you for all of your responses so far. You guys are great. Most of all you're smart and knowledgable about this hobby. Thats why I post. Even if I do sound silly, I figure its best to get my wild ideas out into the open and be done with it before I spend money on something I dont need. I now think I should refine what I have and possibly try some BAT tubes on top as suggested by Alexanderj. I cannot afford the Rowlands yet. Thanks again you guys for the input.
CALLING ALL BALANCED AUDIO OWNERS! How many of you wish BAT made more powerful solid state amps. I have their vk-1000 monoblocs and i love them. But i feel need for 500-600 plus watts a side minimum into 8 ohms for my nautilus 801's. Dont get me wrong, the amps are no wimps. But i'd like to try a bigger amp. But where do you find a big amp that is warm detailed (not overly so), crystal clear, and authoritative at the same time? Maybe i'll add 2 more monos and forget about it. What do you think?