Bass leaves after amp warms up?

I don't understand-after my Musical Fidelity M6i amp warms up for about an hour I notice the deep bass & kick drum aren't the same.
They sound less musical with loss of weight/depth.The notes are there but the moving of air have left.Sound is has much less impact and boreing.
I had the same problem with Bryston amp so there is no defect with amps nor with the rest of my equipment/
PSB Synchrony one speakers,AQ cables,Bryston CD Player.
My question has anyone heard similar & is there a plausable reason?

Showing 50 responses by fishing716

I have Kimber PK 10 powerkord for the amp & Audioprism foundation II power conditioner.
I've also went direct into the wall.
None has proved to be the issue
Nah,I'm a professional musican and know what I'm saying.
Besides significant other hears the same thing as myself
Perhaps,but the bass is taut & punchy while not being bloated before the amp warms up-It sounds right & enjoyable.
The change is dramatic & unmusucal after warming up
Yes this phenomena happens with Vinyl or CD source
I believe wheather it's spinning or not the sound changes after the amp is on about an hour or less.
Also if I change source from CD to vinyl the sound frequently changes for the worse faster.As if I've distrubted the circut
Yes Synchrony II' exhibited same symptoms as current one's

I had Bryston B60R SST & B135 SST
Both fine sounding amps

Thought I needed more power so got MF M6i 200 watts
To answer your 3rd question
If I turn the amp on and everything sounds good I listen as long as it lasts(about one hour).
I have not tried turning the amp on and waiting an hour to play music.
Also after the full sound leaves I tend to either reconnect speaker cables(which works if I am persistent) or come back later.
It's safe to say I never know if things will be the way I like them with full deep punchy bass or white washed and un emotional.
It's really perculular
Generally the amp plays better cold than warm but sometimes The sound dosen't change for a few hours,but inevitably does.
The problem is not related to the amp because I had two different Bryston's prior with the same result. Powerful full sound then it vanishes.
Instruments & vocals no longer ring true
While watching DVD Sountrack like James Bond
The growling & bass effects obviously add enjoyment to the experience.After my system no longer reproduces these effects the movie is no longer worth watching.
I never listen at high volumes.I have a downstairs tenant & don't enjoy music loud
Simply would like to know if anyone has experiencd even a noticable change of music being reproduced from one time to another?
It seems the symptoms I hear have no precident..
Which bothers me the most I think
I've looked on line + spoken to all the manfacutures of my equipment..Most won't even accept my calls any longer.
I had PSB Synchrony twos now I have PSB Synchrony ones which are all around better when everything works.
Auditioned Thiel speakers for about a week but results were inconclusive

Could PSB being 4ohm possibly be the reason?
No one else has these symptoms & my dealer disputes this.
Ironically I keep buying PSB anyway..
On two consecutive set of speakers?
Others would have found problems if this was prevelant in PSB speakers.My hearing is very good but the drop in dynamics is night & day.
PSB Synchrony one' speakers are rated top 25
I used stock,Kimber & audioquest powerkords with no benifit.
I am unable to play my system in a different building but that would certainly be illuminating.
Your conclusion is very on point..I came to the same one but was "convinced" by Dealer that wasn't likely.
You would suggest I get 8ohm speakers?
And no one else on this planet had similar problems?
PSB Said "we sold many thousands of this model" not even one similar complaint.
Can you suggest integrated amps that double it's power into 4 ohms
Not Bryston or Musical Fidelity..I'm not familar with other integrateds
After enjoying the system sounding great for 2 hrs the bass dried up.
I waited 1 hr.tried again but no improvement.
Turned off amp for 1hr.returned & the presentation was still awful.
I also observed when I change source on the amp it seems to create a break in the circut & the bass leaves soon after.
I've sometime observed after turning a record around/changing channels on a cable box or changing imput buttons on the amp may upset the delicate balance.
Disregard previous post:
Makes no sense!@
But there is no pattern when system sounds optimal:
Could be am or pm
"I'd really like to know what happens with cover off and/or better ventilation"

Guess it's in my best interest to take the cover off & try it.
I'll report back
I disagree with hearing perception changes
Simply put the bass when working has punch,heft,depth & moves air while creating excitment & emotion.
After about an hour the bass notes are still there but the kick of the bass drum no longer has the correct punch,the bass does not move air,the bass notes are no longer rounded but flat,etc.
The bass is similar to a Tuba where the notes are full sounding & you can "sing" along with the bass line if desired.This is the foundation of the music that is receding into the background.
I personality think there is something wrong with my electric.I'm having an Electrician come to tighten all the connections as I think something is causing a misfire.
Almark what is the conclusion to be drawn from your post?
My MF amp should be adequate @ 200wpc or no
I just got off the phone with Musical Fidelity..
I was assured the M6i is more than capable of handling PSB Synchrony one speakers.
The voltage is normal
By the end of the day there is nothing left in the bass dept.
I turn off the amp for the evening and return in AM
Plenty of deep bass & sounds excellent
I listened to Abbey Road this morning but by the end of the first side
McCartney's bass lost his groove.
I didn't bother listen to the second side.
Sometimes I switch speaker cables from L/R to R/L
And lower bass returns for an hour or less.
It's quite a dilemma
No All the connections are always tight
I have spades and the speaker cables are (2nd) pair of AudioQuest comet biwire 6 ft.
No heat on either end of the cables
The problems are exactly the same with all 3 amps
(2)bryston & Musical Fidelity
Deep bass for about 1 hr
Longest it lasted was 3 days then sound changes with loss of defination.

I seem to notice it's easier to retrieve deep bass with just one speaker connected rather than both.
(Either side)
Sill fades away after apx. 1 hr
I only have these speakers

The bass is firm & lasts longer with just one speaker connected.Eventually leaves but right now it is working for about 30 minutes
Listening to Chicago V on Rega P5 TT w/dynavector.
I would keep this sound w/one speaker & loss of half information.
But soon it will leave.
I am monitering the situation
Please let me know if anyone notices contradictions in my observations.
As I've tried everything
Could it be reasonable that loss of deep bass is normal?
Perhaps I need to augment my system with a subwoofer.
I feel bass is adequate when I have it
Yes but why is the amp running hot if they sell them by the thousands and no report of this problem?
Since having the PSB all 3 amps have given the same results with exact same symptoms.
Irony is I like the PSB Synchrony sound
I borrowed Thiels for a very brief period and found them to be bright.Bass not being consistant was inconclusive.

Currently just listened 2 complete LP's without losing the bass using just the right speaker connected.
I don't know why that is
I'm currently monitering this effect & duration
Using one speaker,the bass finally recessed after 100 minutes or 3 full LP's.
I'm wondering what to do now..
Generally I switch speaker cable
from one channel of the amp to the other or shut it down & try later/tomorrow.
Considering taking off cover to amp..
Electrician is coming tuesday to check for:
Line sag
Tighten connections

I called cable company & request to borrow a pair of speaker cables:
Analysis Plus biwire also to arrive tuesday.
Thanks for everyone's participation,especially Al!
Welcome any other thoughts
I attempted to remove the 14 top screws but don't have the right tool..
Would you know what size allenwench to use or what size/type screws they are.
I would not have plugged it in or touched inside.
Was unable to find a tool to try instead took shelf off above the amp for more ventalation
I gave more ventalation by removing the shelf above the amp..
The Bass still left after 1h 20 minutes.
I was listening to "Let it be" & that was my parting words after the sound changed.
Bass returned after waiting 30 minutes.
After about 30 minutes of sounding good it disappated.
Surely something causes deep bass to come & go as it wishes.
I have(3)ideas to try this week:
Electrician is going to check connections
I am borrowing different speaker cables
May put up $1745(demo)& try ps audio p-3 power conditioner with return previlage.
The speaker cables were already replaced with the same model *audioquest comet biwire

The problem still persists:

I am auditioning different speaker cables tomorrow followed by Electrician to check connections.

I will report back

Thanks to everyone
I substituted Different high end speaker cables today.
What I heard was alot of bass but it wasn't the lower octive & punchy kind which I get from Audioquest.
Is it possible audioquest cables can in the first hour put out a more desirable bass like a subwoofer that is punchy but then "resort" to bass that is less deep or punchy?
Which is unsatisfying to me

Perhaps I need a subwoofer?

But this is perculular:
I put back Audioquest cables using just one speaker & was unable to get the "correct" bass from either side of the amp.
I then tried the other speaker cable from audioquest & the bass was powerful & deep again.
So I don't know what this means
The lower octive has depth & moves air when it is playing optimaly..
After a time that quality receeds in to the background and the fundamental tones are no longer satisfying

I had Electician over today & found nothing wrong with phase,ground,connections or voltage