Bass is clearer and more impactful when I stand vs. when I sit

I am having this issue with my speakers and my room. When I stand, I found that the bass is significantly clearer, more impactful and cleaner than when I sit. Also there are some bass I didn't hear before, now I can hear when I stand. 

I tried to tilt my speakers a little bit downwards but it doesn't solve the problem. 

What's wrong with my room/speakers and how can I fix this. 

Thank you. 

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Showing 1 response by mijostyn

@quanghuy147 , Do you have carpet on the floor? Wall to wall with a pad underneath?  You have a vertical node problem not a horizontal one.
I have noticed that media rooms with wall to wall carpeting have less of a problem with this. The other solution is to get speakers that do not radiate up and down, vertical line source speakers.