Bass is clearer and more impactful when I stand vs. when I sit

I am having this issue with my speakers and my room. When I stand, I found that the bass is significantly clearer, more impactful and cleaner than when I sit. Also there are some bass I didn't hear before, now I can hear when I stand. 

I tried to tilt my speakers a little bit downwards but it doesn't solve the problem. 

What's wrong with my room/speakers and how can I fix this. 

Thank you. 

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Showing 1 response by jwl244

I'm surprised no one mentioned room treatments specifically? It sounds like a null like others have said and I completely agree with experimenting with seat and speaker position. Just adding that room treatment for bass control might be helpful as well. Depending on how far the front baffle of your speaker is from the front wall certain frequencies will be reflected back to you when the frequency range goes into modal territory. This is SBIR. If your speaker is further from the wall this will become more difficult to treat as the reflected waves are lower frequency. Maybe you could try moving the speaker closer to the wall. Otherwise you may want to get bass traps for the front wall or 3 to 4 inch thick panels. You could also treat corners with bass traps but those are large and get ugly if your space is small.