Bass at your ears? (Bass imaging)

This song 'James Blake - Limit to your love' has this weird bass that kicks in at about 1:00 into it. Now I have heard this song on a few speakers and it sounded great but when I heard it on the magico m2 I could literally hear the bass right at my ears as if I was wearing heapdhones. It was such a strange sensation. Is this indicative of the m2s incredible imaging capability or is this something else? This was in an irregularly shaped room with a big hallway to one side and hardly any treatment.

Showing 3 responses by ct0517

thx for that post.

Wobble Bass Effect.

Like I said here yesterday further up in the thread.
Sounds like headphones on my current project speakers.
these ones.

No issues with the eardrums. Synthesizer produced coming from the source material.

If the speakers have large drivers with large cabinets, and are fairly efficient, the effect can be produced at quite low db levels with the speakers in near field, in a large room - room acoustics do not need to come into play. fwiw - This confirms to me it was the source material and,
also don't see why this is such a big deal - as far as audio shows go.  

I could literally hear the bass right at my ears as if I was wearing heapdhones

Yes that is what I am hearing as well. 
ON a pair of B&W dm70c electrostatic speakers with 13 inch woofer.

Speakers 10 feet from front wall. Room is a large    
Bass fills the room . 

Tidal Link to Song

Same thing happens on song To Care(Like You)