Bass amp for a tri-amped system?

I have a speaker-required active crossover which feeds the mid/highs to 2, fet input/tube output 200 watt mono amps and the low frequencies to a Belles 350 stereo amp. I'm interested in tightening up the bass a bit and wondering if there is an older amp out there that might replace the Belles. I know the Krells have always had good grip on the bass, but wondering if there is anything else out there. Should I be thinking of any issues? Compatibility?

Showing 1 response by hornguys

IME, you can definitely optimize certain aspects with various amps that address a particular range better.

But in the long run, after you've gotten used to the sonic effects of that combo, the more cohesive and musically compelling sound from matching amps outweighs the "audio excellence" of disparate amps with disparate dynamics, tone, phase response, etc.

So the job of discovering the best amp that will work at all frequencies is much more difficult.

About the only time I've had luck mixing & matching was with subs working from 40 Hz or lower.