Basis Debut Mk v or Walker or Brinkman ?

I have a Basis Debut Mk v with Graham Phantom and was wondering if anyone has compared it to the walker or the brinkman balance.Is their major differences between these tables or are they subtle.
Thank both of you for your input,it seems that the next logical step in my system could be the Walker black diamond.
I think, the Walker would be the next level. But I think, that their Arm makes a huge improvement, too.
I changed from Graham 2.2 to Phantom and this difference is NOT subtle. It is huge.
Good luck
I do not sell Walker, Brinkman or Basis. I do sell Grand Prix Audio.

While I like all the tables you mention, I would probably recommend in this order:

1. Brinkman - Easy to setup, excellent build quality and sonics.
2. Walker - Excellent sonics, very difficult to setup unless Lloyd does it for you. Very tweaky. If you move or paint your room, could be very frustrating. If you purchase, you get, as a bonus, Lloyd's wonderful sense of humor.

3. Basis - Not quite at the same level as the previously mentioned, but rock solid reliability.

I would be remiss to say that I feel the Grand Prix Audio rivals the best tables I have heard. It is a direct drive table that keeps, probably, the best speed and pitch of any table on the market. I feel this is the most important function of a turntable.

The good news is there are no bad decisions on your list :)

Jonathan Tinn
Chambers Audio
Like Rushton, I'm a Walker owner of long standing (9years). I have a friend with the full blown Brinkman system but have had no experience with Basis.

A couple of personal observations would be that the Walker is not really that fussy to set up but is revealing of changes in setup. Not every change is night-and day for better or worse, just different. I guess many would claim that there is only one optimal final setting but I don't subscribe to this. At any rate, I defer to Lloyd.

Without going into extreme and exhaustive descriptives, I would say that the one thing that the Walker table imparts unlike any other source in my experience is a sense of gravitas, of informational density, of musical mass. As the table itself is massive, it passes on this substantiveness and foundation in its delivery.
But this quality is most definitely not burdened with a plodding pace or inertia. I hope you get a chance to hear one sometime. BTW, I do not feel qualified to discuss the Brinkman setup because I've only heard it during audio club nite, which in my locale amounts to nothing more than a fraternity smoker with power conditioning thrown in.