Basis 2800 or Debut?

Please help me choose between these two turntables! The Basis website does not have enough information, but this is what I have gathered so far.

- The Basis 2800 costs roughly the same as the non-vac version of the Vacuum.
- The 2800's suspension is compressed rather than suspended
- The 2800 uses the same platter and same motor as the Debut
- The 2800 has a smaller plinth (and therefore less prone to resonance?)

It is starting to look as if the 2800 is the better buy. If so, i'm not sure why Conti even offers the Debut? There must be something i'm missing, can someone help?
I have a Debut, and a friend has the 2800. The 2800 is closer to being a "lightly" suspended table while a Debut is a heavy, suspended table. That makes the Debut less prone to footfall problems. It is a "quieter" table, meaning a blacker background and less, not more resonance (the greater mass is a sump for resonant energy). Both are very good in this respect, so, it is really a matter of small degree of difference.

The bigger question is whether you would prefer a well-damped table or a "lively" table. Some listeners, perhaps because of other system choices, actually like light tables that "sing" a little (e.g., J.A. Michell, Linn Sondek). In some systems, the extra liveliness of the sound might be needed. In other systems I find it exciting at first, but after a while, I tend to get tired of the sameness of the artificial nature of this liveliness and it becomes more "noise" to me than anything else.

Also, if you have a place to hide the pump (it is a touch noisy), the vacuum clamp is a very good feature. I know a lot of people talk about how it is useful for warps, but, it is really a plus for all records. By coupling the record surface to the platter, it allows vibrations in the vinyl caused by the needle tracking the groove to be dissipated in the platter rather than being reflected back to the stylus. The proof is actually easy to hear objectively. Just listen to a Debut vacuum and Vector arm for "needle chatter" (the sound coming directly from the stylus/cartridge vibrating as the cartrige plays the record) with your volume control all the way down. There is WAY less chatter with this combination than almost any other combination of arm and table.